I Do Solemnly Swear…My Five Promises of Networking on LinkedIn.

By Jeff Young, Professional Networker and LinkedIn Guru

Why would it be necessary to make promises about networking? First of all, because I want people to get to know me, like me and trust me when it comes to networking. I want them to know that I am seeking to help not only the people IN my network, but those people who are NOT in my network YET.

Secondly, I believe the best way of networking in the first place is to “seek first to help others”. I’m not trying to go all religious or anything with “golden rules”, but I believe in my heart that if you have a philosophy of helping others first, that it will come back to you ten-fold and others will want to help you as well. I didn’t start this philosophy, I just strive to live by it.

So, here are my five promises to all those in my network and those I hope to network with in the future:

Number 1 – I Promise to Connect With You

If you take the time to send me more than “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn” (and send it from my profile page instead of from an app on a Smartphone or Tablet) I will connect with you no matter where you are. I will thank you for taking the time to reach out to me.

If you and I are in the same geographic region, I will ask if you would like to get together and share backgrounds so we can build a win/win relationship.

Number 2 – I Promise to Thank You for Interacting

If you endorse me for my skills, if you write me a recommendation, if you actually join the conversation or share my Posts, Group Discussions or Updates I will make sure that I thank you for taking the time (as long as LinkedIn sends me a notification, yes sometimes they miss stuff).

Also, I will reciprocate with a comment, endorsement, or recommendation whenever possible and if I know you well enough.

Number 3 – I Promise I Will Provide Value

I am the LinkedIn Guru (or at least that’s what my network tells me). The value that I will provide will be focused on helping my network use LinkedIn effectively.

This may take the form of pointing to LinkedIn Help or to a person who can help, answering questions and/or providing tips on how to use LinkedIn on a regular basis. This is what I do to provide value and I promise I will do it for you as long as folks find it useful.

Number 4 – I Promise to Not Try to Sell You Anything

I do what I do for free. I do not provide one-on-one training, but I do provide free LinkedIn seminars (at least in my local community).

I realize that it is a little different, but once people get to know me I hope they understand that I do free LinkedIn seminars because it is my way of trying to make a difference in the community and I get SO MUCH out of doing it that I wouldn’t dream of charging for it.

Number 5 – I Promise I Will Stay in Touch

You should expect to hear from me because that is what Networkers do! Stay in touch! You should expect me to ask how I or the rest of my network can be of help.

know the people in my network and I am willing to introduce you to any one of them. I believe that a good networker is a good connector and seeks first to help others. I look forward to being of help.

I look forward to continuing to get to know you and networking in the future.

Your Friendly Neighborhood LinkedIn Guru…

Thanks for the good words, Jeff!


Ken Lazar, CEO

Ability Professional Network

(614) 403-6079

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