I know how you feel. I felt the same way during my job search several years ago. You are doing all of the things that you feel you should be doing…applying online…going to networking events…having a coffee meeting with friends and members of Tuesday Tune-up…asking everyone you see if they know of any job openings. After a while, you get really good at your job search but with few results.
Bill Murray did the same thing in the movie. He got really good at everything he did while he was trapped in Groundhog Day. But, he never did get what he really needed until something special happened. He realized the world did not revolve around him.
Not until Bill began to truly help others and care about them, did he get exactly what he needed.
Ponder that for a moment. Honestly helping others…gets you what you need. Sound familiar?
This week, call some special people and ask them how you can help out…pick up their kids…run some errands…fix a broke faucet…paint the bedroom…volunteer at a non-profit.
Make this a part of your job search strategy.
Maybe when your alarm clock plays “I Got You Babe” tomorrow morning, special things will happen.
And the beat goes on…
Ken Lazar, CEO
Ability Professional Network
(614) 403-6079