How do I create an “A Player” environment for my team?

A: Every company wants to hire only “A Players”. I hear this all of the time.

“A Players”, however, are attracted to “A Companies”. Do you feel your company has an “A Company” environment or does it have something else? If you think you have less than an “A Company” environment, what can you do to change that?

Fortunately, it can be as straightforward as providing more flexibility in your workplace. The difference between a workplace that is heavily managed and controlled, and one that allows employees to “thrive not just survive” will make a difference in the way you attract “A Players” to your company.

Creating an “A Company” work environment can be accomplished in many different ways. Here are a few of them:

Make sure your staff feels safe and comfortable.

Your staff must feel both physically and emotionally safe in the work environment. Be sure that you are aware of any special needs required by any employee. As best as possible, meet those needs. You might encourage wellness by supporting healthy food options, workplace hygiene and exercise.

Support your team.

It is important, when and where possible, to support your employees as caretakers or parents. You might check into the possibility of workplace initiatives such as telecommuting, schedule flexibility, extended maternity/paternity leave and child care support.

When appropriate, encourage celebrations, friendly competitions and perhaps contests. The workplace can be fun as well as productive! To support improvement and engagement use rewards in addition to initiatives.

Be proactive in assuring that each employee understands his or her role clearly. Expect them to be and act like a team, supporting and encouraging each other as you do. Make sure your staff knows your expectations of using goal-setting means to realize the desired results together.

Consider mentoring employees, which will increase confidence and encourage better performance. Remember that supporting your employees will result in increased productivity together with longevity. If an employee understands why it matters, she is more likely to remain and execute her job well.

Encourage open communication and feedback.

Your employees need your feedback. This is a vital role in the process of creating a winning environment. Decide what is the most appropriate way to share your feedback with your team.

Let each employee know that they have access to direct communication with management. Communicate with each team member in private or with email when suitable. Let them know that you expect each of them to take responsibility, with you, for the quality of the environment.

One thing that can make a huge difference in fostering a healthy workplace is avoiding gossip. Let your staff know they can come to you with any issue, instead of gathering around the break room to whisper together about negative thoughts or feelings. Be available to team members who request your time.

Encourage and appreciate creativity.

Finally, one of the best ways to create a positive, “A Player” workplace is to encourage creativity. Be open to hearing employees’ suggestions. Make sure employees know you will be accountable to the suggestions by circulating changes initiated by your team members. When you are responsive to the needs of your staff you help assure their interest in the needs of the company. Try asking the staff how they think the workplace could be more positive.

Attracting “A Players”

The word gets around. Putting creative thought and effort into building an “A Company” work environment for your team will make a huge difference in the candidates you will attract. “A Players” attract other “A Players”. It’s a great cycle to develop.


Ken Lazar, CEO

Ability Professional Network

(614) 403-6079

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